Tutorial - How To Use

What you need on your site

In very short, the functionality you need are:

  • include dynajax.js
  • An HTML interface element (ie a button) you can use to trigger (on click, on mouseover, etc..) the desired action
  • A responsefile that processes posted data and displays the result. It can be any serverside application (php, jsp, etc..)
  • An HTML element (ie a div) where the results will be put
  • An HTML element that contains form input elements to be sent to the responsefile (optional)

How you can send a request

Use the Javascript function dynajax.request('respfile: x; resultloc: y; paramloc: z;')

The attributes:

  • In responsefile, specify the name of the responsefile
  • In resultloc specify the id of the HTML element the result goes to. Alternatively it can be a Javascript function that handles the result.
  • In paramloc(optional) specify the HTML element containing the form elements needed to be sent to the response file
  • Note: DynAjax has many additional attributes/features. Check reference to see all possible attributes

A possible use schema

<div id="params">
    <input type="text" name="mydata" />
    <input type="button" value="Submit" 
          onclick="dynajax.request('respfile: myresp.php; resultloc: result; paramloc: params;')" />
<div id="result">