Example - Instant Voting

In this example we create a voting box that immediately shows the results after submitted. Since we're using Ajax we don't need to reload the page or use frames.

A sample code

---Form to submit your vote---

<div id="mydiv">
  Is this example useful to you?
  <input name="answer" type="radio" value="No" /> No
  <input name="answer" type="radio" value="Yes" /> Yes
  <input type="button" value="Submit"
    onclick="dynajax.request('respfile: vote.php; resultloc: mydiv; paramloc: mydiv;');"/>

The votebox in action

Click here to open the page again


  • The vote.php responsefile processes the answer and displays the result. DynAjax puts the result into the box replacing the voting form.
  • In this specific case the parameter field (the div that contained data to be submitted) and the result field is the same HTML element.
  • In this demonstration we allowed the users to vote multiple times.