What is DynAjax

DynAjax is a handy tool to help you create interactive websites and applications. Using it, you can easily gain several benefits of the Ajax technology. While acting in the background, it lets you concentrate on the more important things. DynAjax is a crossbrowser and platform independent solution.

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Why use Ajax?

Most websites follow the standard request/respond approach: the browser requests a webpage, and the server provides it. If you need additional data, you need to reload a whole page, wich makes the site static, and slow. This problem raises the need to ensure continous communication between the server and the browser. This is where Ajax comes in, and DynAjax makes it really easy.


You can use Ajax without even knowing the technology

Deals with Ajax operations in the background letting you concentrating on the more important things

Handles multiple requests in parallel


A webbrowser supporting Javascripts and Ajax
(eg. IE 5.0+, Firefox 1.0+, Opera 7.6+, Safari 1.2+, Khtml browsers)

Let's start

Check out the tutorial page to see how it works


See some examples showcasing the power and simplicity of DynAjax


Take a look at on the implementation of a real-time Chatbox.
